11 Of The Most Helpful Resources For Creatives
An old post for a startup I never got off the ground called Tweaky. We break down 11 of the most helpful resources for creatives

As a startup founder, I often bounce around between lots of projects entering and exiting various stages of multiple businesses. I’ve started this list naming some of my favorite places to visit to stay fresh as a founder. It’s a collection of blogs, tools, and email lists.
If you are looking to stay up to date on the trends in UI, type, design, and development, I’ll try to keep this list continuously updated.
Product Hunt

I have visited Product Hunt almost every single day for the last few years. If I miss a day or two, I’ll catch up on the previous day I’ve missed. PH is a nice reflection of the styles and business models that are “in” or interesting at least. It is a daily feed of products, tools, and resources that are being launched.

For Tweaky.io I am always looking for fresh assets and inspirations to push our vibes and styles forward. I will immediately go to Dribbble for these inspirations. I have a handful of designers that I follow. Watching my feed to see what those creators and agencies are putting out keep me on my toes.

Ok, when I’m not hanging out in the r/holofractal or r/Shamanism Reddit, I’ll spend time in r/webdev and r/startups. Although it can be filled with braggy gunk a lot of the time, there are helpful nuggets every now and again.
Really Good Emails

I subscribe to their newsletter. They break down email campaign design and flow. Getting emails about emails… woah.

So, I spend some of my time on Medium. I used to read a lot of content on Medium until they gated 75% of the featured content with a paywall. I do still visit Medium to find good sources of information. If I find an article or writer I like, I’ll check out their website and channels and subscribe directly.
5 Bullet Friday

Like every tech bro in silicon valley, I subscribe to 5-bullet Friday. That’s funny but I think it’s actually true. I enjoy watching Tim’s tastes change and develop over time. It’s also a good way to get introduced to weird and cool products.
I call Kevin Rose the original Tim Ferriss. It’s like they are the same person but each one branched off into a different dimension when they were presented with the decision to start a company or study companies. Kevin chose to become a tech guru. Tim chose to become a marketing guru. Here’s a fun tweet exchange we had a while ago.
The Hustle

My undying love for The Hustle has subsided from a cultish fetish to a newsletter I’ll try to read as often as possible. This lately has been like once a week. Awesome tech news. Sam, the founder, is an awesome guy. I also use their chrome browser extension snippets and which keeps me up to date on tech news every time I open a new tab.

This list wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t shout out to my boy Andrew Warner. The dude is consistently publishing in-depth content and amazing podcasts interviewing entrepreneurs up and down the tech and e-commerce space. Andrew and I are friends. We tried vlogging together and it was super fun and awesome but it failed. Andrew can do anything. Go get em, Andrew.
Brain Pickings by Maria Popova

I love Maria’s voice. She spans a whole lot of topics in an engaging and intelligent way. You can browse her popular posts here.
Signal vs. Noise

I, like many others, am a big fan of Jason Fried. Basecamp founder and friends run a blog with strong opinions that help keep me morally grounded in marketing and tech. Check out their greatest hits.